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  • Writer's pictureThe BSPA

P.O. Michael Williams BSPA September 2019 Member of the Month

The Black Shield Police Association


P.O. Michael Williams has been employed by the City of Cleveland, since 2014 as a member of the 133rd Academy Class. He is currently assigned to the 4th District on B Platoon. He serves as a member of the Bike Unit, dedicated member of The Black Shield, and just recently been selected to be apart of the 4th District Innovation Team.

P.O. Williams has spoken at several schools, the juvenile detention center and various community events across the city. He takes pride in his involvement in several community outreach programs; for instance, this past May he participated in the "Jr. Barnes Foundation." Under this initiative, 13 young men, from Anton Grdina, were taken to Detroit, Michigan. This trip included a visit to the famous Motown Museum and The African American History Museum.

P.O. Williams states that he loves three things - God, family and Cleveland sports. He is a die-hard Cleveland-enthusiast, and loves serving this great city.

His professional goals include the desire to continue serving the citizens of Cleveland and hopefully along the way change someone’s life.

P.O. Michael Williams is recognized as the BSPA's Officer of the Month for September 2019 for his dedication to community policing and the citizens of Cleveland. We are proud of his accomplishments - today and every day.


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